Dolores Lima

Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Dolores Lima earned her M.A. and Ph.D. in Latin American Literature from University of Maryland under the direction of Prof. Jorge Aguilar Mora. She has taught Spanish language, culture and literature courses at Southern Connecticut State University, Montgomery College, University of Maryland, and Catholic University of America. She has been teaching at Middlebury College Summer School since 2009. She was appointed Spanish Language Program Coordinator at the Department of Hispanic Languages and Literatures at the University of Pittsburgh in August 2015.


Her teaching and research interests focus on Latin American literature and culture, with an emphasis on literary theory. Her doctoral dissertation, entitled “Disruption to Representation: Affect in Macedonio Fernández, Antonio Di Benedetto and César Aira”, proposes the concept of “affective writing” as a paradigm in analyzing different types of disruptions to narrative representation. She is currently working on laughter and the narrative of the body in Virgilio Piñera’s work.